How to Apply

How to Apply for Funds

Lansbury House Trust Fund give grants to organisations that aim to increase understanding of nonviolent transformation of conflict at all levels, and promote research into this for the public benefit.

Our work is limited to activities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is essential that any organisation asking for financial support should be able to work within the objective of Lansbury House Trust Fund.  Please study the charity’s objective before framing the proposal. 

We do not give grants to individuals to complete their education or training.

There is no set format for proposals. Please give an outline of the intended work with a simple budget and time-frame.  If you have other sources of funding, please state them.

If you would like to ask us for support write to:

Lansbury House Trust Fund, 6 Mallard Walk, Biggleswade, SG18 8DY

or e-mail

Applications for grants are considered by all five Trustees at one of their regular meetings.  Grants for groups of all shapes and sizes are possible.